3213. Construct String with Minimum Cost
Problem You are given a string target, an array of strings words, and an integer array costs, both arrays of the same length....
Problem You are given a string target, an array of strings words, and an integer array costs, both arrays of the same length....
3291. Minimum Number of Valid Strings to Form Target I 的进阶版,题目一模一样,但 words 的长度从 5 * 10³ 增加到 5 * 10⁵,target 的长度从 5 * 10³ 增加到 5...
Problem You are given an array of strings words and a string target. A string x is called valid if x is a prefix of any strin...
Problem You are given a string s and an integer repeatLimit. Construct a new string repeatLimitedString using the characters ...
Problem There is a hotel with n rooms. The rooms are represented by a 2D integer array rooms where rooms[i] = [roomIdᵢ, sizeᵢ...
Problem You are given an array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the iᵗʰ day. Find the maximum profit y...
Problem You are given an integer array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the iᵗʰ day. On each day, you ...
Problem There is a school that has classes of students and each class will be having a final exam. You are given a 2D integer...
Problem You are given an integer array arr. You can choose a set of integers and remove all the occurrences of these integers...
Problem You are given two 0-indexed integer arrays nums1 and nums2 of equal length. Every second, for all indices 0 <= i &...
Problem You are given a 0-indexed integer array nums. A subarray of nums is called continuous if: Let i, i + 1, …, j be the ...
Problem You are given an integer array nums, an integer k, and an integer multiplier. You need to perform k operations on num...
Problem You are given an array nums consisting of positive integers. Starting with score = 0, apply the following algorithm: ...
Problem You are given an integer array nums, an integer k, and an integer multiplier. You need to perform k operations on num...
Problem You are given an integer array gifts denoting the number of gifts in various piles. Every second, you do the followin...
Problem You are given a 0-indexed m * n integer matrix values, representing the values of m * n different items in m differen...
Problem You are given an undirected weighted connected graph containing n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1, and an integer array...
Problem You are given a 0-indexed array nums and a non-negative integer k. In one operation, you can do the following: Choos...
Problem You are given a 0-indexed permutation of n integers nums. A permutation is called semi-ordered if the first number eq...
Problem You are given an array pairs, where pairs[i] = [xᵢ, yᵢ], and: There are no duplicates. xᵢ < yᵢ Let ways be the n...
跟 2981. Find Longest Special Substring That Occurs Thrice I 一模一样,只不过 s 的长度上限从 50 增加到 5 * 10⁵。 https://leetcode.com/problems/f...
Problem You are given a string s that consists of lowercase English letters. A string is called special if it is made up of o...
Problem The chess knight has a unique movement, it may move two squares vertically and one square horizontally, or two square...
Problem You are given an integer n representing the length of an unknown array that you are trying to recover. You are also g...
Problem Given an integer array of even length arr, return true if it is possible to reorder arr such that arr[2 * i + 1] = 2 ...
Problem You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. The digits are stored in reverse ord...
Problem An array is considered special if every pair of its adjacent elements contains two numbers with different parity. You...
Problem An array is considered special if every pair of its adjacent elements contains two numbers with different parity. You...
Problem You are given coordinates, a string that represents the coordinates of a square of the chessboard. Below is a chessbo...
Problem You are given a 0-indexed 2D integer array of events where events[i] = [startTimeᵢ, endTimeᵢ, valueᵢ]. The iᵗʰ event ...
Problem You are given an n x n binary grid board. In each move, you can swap any two rows with each other, or any two columns...
Problem You are given an integer array nums where the iᵗʰ bag contains nums[i] balls. You are also given an integer maxOperat...