1092. Shortest Common Supersequence

Problem Given two strings str1 and str2, return the shortest string that has both str1 and str2 as subsequences. If there are...


2353. Design a Food Rating System

Problem Design a food rating system that can do the following: Modify the rating of a food item listed in the system. Return...


873. Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence

Problem A sequence x₁, x₂, ..., xₙ is Fibonacci-like if: n >= 3 xᵢ + xᵢ₊₁ == xᵢ₊₂ for all i + 2 <= n Given a strictly...


2296. Design a Text Editor

Problem Design a text editor with a cursor that can do the following: Add text to where the cursor is. Delete text from wher...


1524. Number of Sub-arrays With Odd Sum

Problem Given an array of integers arr, return the number of subarrays with an odd sum. Since the answer can be very large, r...


1749. Maximum Absolute Sum of Any Subarray

Problem You are given an integer array nums. The absolute sum of a subarray [numsₗ, numsₗ₊₁, ..., numsᵣ₋₁, numsᵣ] is abs(nums...


1472. Design Browser History

Problem You have a browser of one tab where you start on the homepage and you can visit another url, get back in the history ...


2502. Design Memory Allocator

Problem You are given an integer n representing the size of a 0-indexed memory array. All memory units are initially free. Yo...


2467. Most Profitable Path in a Tree

Problem There is an undirected tree with n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1, rooted at node 0. You are given a 2D integer array ...


1656. Design an Ordered Stream

Problem There is a stream of n (idKey, value) pairs arriving in an arbitrary order, where idKey is an integer between 1 and n...


889. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal

Problem Given two integer arrays, preorder and postorder where preorder is the preorder traversal of a binary tree of distinc...


1028. Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal

Problem We run a preorder depth-first search (DFS) on the root of a binary tree. At each node in this traversal, we output D ...


2506. Count Pairs Of Similar Strings

Problem You are given a 0-indexed string array words. Two strings are similar if they consist of the same characters. For ex...


1261. Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree

Problem Given a binary tree with the following rules: root.val == 0 For any treeNode: If treeNode.val has a value x and tre...


2209. Minimum White Tiles After Covering With Carpets

Problem You are given a 0-indexed binary string floor, which represents the colors of tiles on a floor: floor[i] = '0' denot...


1980. Find Unique Binary String

Problem Given an array of strings nums containing n unique binary strings each of length n, return a binary string of length ...


2595. Number of Even and Odd Bits

Problem You are given a positive integer n. Let even denote the number of even indices in the binary representation of n with...


2944. Minimum Number of Coins for Fruits

Problem You are given an 0-indexed integer array prices where prices[i] denotes the number of coins needed to purchase the (i...


1415. The k-th Lexicographical String of All Happy Strings of Length n

Problem A happy string is a string that: consists only of letters of the set ['a', 'b', 'c']. s[i] != s[i + 1] for all value...


624. Maximum Distance in Arrays

Problem You are given m arrays, where each array is sorted in ascending order. You can pick up two integers from two differen...


2375. Construct Smallest Number From DI String

Problem You are given a 0-indexed string pattern of length n consisting of the characters 'I' meaning increasing and 'D' mean...


2080. Range Frequency Queries

Problem Design a data structure to find the frequency of a given value in a given subarray. The frequency of a value in a sub...


1079. Letter Tile Possibilities

Problem You have n tiles, where each tile has one letter tiles[i] printed on it. Return the number of possible non-empty sequ...


1287. Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array

Problem Given an integer array sorted in non-decreasing order, there is exactly one integer in the array that occurs more tha...


1718. Construct the Lexicographically Largest Valid Sequence

Problem Given an integer n, find a sequence that satisfies all of the following: The integer 1 occurs once in the sequence. ...


1299. Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side

Problem Given an array arr, replace every element in that array with the greatest element among the elements to its right, an...


2698. Find the Punishment Number of an Integer

Problem Given a positive integer n, return the punishment number of n. The punishment number of n is defined as the sum of th...


1706. Where Will the Ball Fall

Problem You have a 2-D grid of size m x n representing a box, and you have n balls. The box is open on the top and bottom sid...


1352. Product of the Last K Numbers

Problem Design an algorithm that accepts a stream of integers and retrieves the product of the last k integers of the stream....


1552. Magnetic Force Between Two Balls

Problem In the universe Earth C-137, Rick discovered a special form of magnetic force between two balls if they are put in hi...


1742. Maximum Number of Balls in a Box

Problem You are working in a ball factory where you have n balls numbered from lowLimit up to highLimit inclusive (i.e., n ==...


2342. Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of Digits

Problem You are given a 0-indexed array nums consisting of positive integers. You can choose two indices i and j, such that i...
