You are given a 0-indexed array heights
of positive integers, where heights[i]
represents the height of the iᵗʰ
If a person is in building i
, they can move to any other building j
if and only if i < j
and heights[i] < heights[j]
You are also given another array queries
where queries[i] = [aᵢ, bᵢ]
. On the iᵗʰ
query, Alice is in building aᵢ
while Bob is in building bᵢ
Return an array ans
where ans[i]
is the index of the leftmost building where Alice and Bob can meet on the iᵗʰ
query. If Alice and Bob cannot move to a common building on query i
, set ans[i]
to -1
Example 1:
heights = [6,4,8,5,2,7], queries = [[0,1],[0,3],[2,4],[3,4],[2,2]]
Explanation: In the first query, Alice and Bob can move to building 2 sinceheights[0] < heights[2]
andheights[1] < heights[2]
In the second query, Alice and Bob can move to building 5 sinceheights[0] < heights[5]
andheights[3] < heights[5]
In the third query, Alice cannot meet Bob since Alice cannot move to any other building.
In the fourth query, Alice and Bob can move to building 5 sinceheights[3] < heights[5]
andheights[4] < heights[5]
In the fifth query, Alice and Bob are already in the same building.
Forans[i] != -1
, It can be shown thatans[i]
is the leftmost building where Alice and Bob can meet.
Forans[i] == -1
, It can be shown that there is no building where Alice and Bob can meet.
Example 2:
heights = [5,3,8,2,6,1,4,6], queries = [[0,7],[3,5],[5,2],[3,0],[1,6]]
Explanation: In the first query, Alice can directly move to Bob’s building sinceheights[0] < heights[7]
In the second query, Alice and Bob can move to building 6 sinceheights[3] < heights[6]
andheights[5] < heights[6]
In the third query, Alice cannot meet Bob since Bob cannot move to any other building.
In the fourth query, Alice and Bob can move to building 4 sinceheights[3] < heights[4]
andheights[0] < heights[4]
In the fifth query, Alice can directly move to Bob’s building sinceheights[1] < heights[6]
Forans[i] != -1
, It can be shown thatans[i]
is the leftmost building where Alice and Bob can meet.
Forans[i] == -1
, It can be shown that there is no building where Alice and Bob can meet.
1 <= heights.length <= 5 * 10⁴
1 <= heights[i] <= 10⁹
1 <= queries.length <= 5 * 10⁴
queries[i] = [aᵢ, bᵢ]
0 <= aᵢ, bᵢ <= heights.length - 1
Test Cases
1 | class Solution: |
1 | import pytest |
对于任意 queries[i] = [aᵢ, bᵢ]
,首先如果 aᵢ = bᵢ
则结果为 aᵢ
(或 bᵢ
)。如果 aᵢ > bᵢ
,则把它俩交换一下,不影响结果。不妨设 aᵢ < bᵢ
,如果 heights[aᵢ] < heights[bᵢ]
,则结果为 bᵢ
。所以只需要考虑 heights[aᵢ] ≥ heights[bᵢ]
的情况,这时候需要在 bᵢ
右侧找到第一个大于 heights[aᵢ]
跟 1847. Closest Room 几乎一样,bᵢ
就相当于 preferred
相当于 minSize
而不是「大于等于」,要求「大于」 bᵢ
直接在 problem 1847 的代码上微调一下就行了。利用 Python 内置的 list 作为有序集合,虽然理论上时间复杂度不低,但提交后 beats 100%。
如果有序集合可以用 O(log n)
时间完成插入,总的时间复杂度是 O(n log n + m log m + m log n)
,其中 n 是 heights 的数量,m 是 queries 的数量。空间复杂度 O(n + m)
1 | from bisect import bisect_left, insort |
Monotonic Stack
在 1475. Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop 中提到,找左侧/右侧第一个比当前元素小/大的问题,可以用单调栈线性时间求解。不过这里并不是找右侧第一个比当前元素大的,而是找更大的(因为 heights[aᵢ] ≥ heights[bᵢ]
实际上在通过单调栈遍历原数组的时候,如果按照 逆序扫描数组 的逻辑,任何时候,栈里存放的都是比当前元素大的,而且是排序的。那就可以对栈做二分查找。
每个 query 都可以转换成 (heights[aᵢ], bᵢ)
格式,在转换的同时记录 heights
中每个位置对应的所有查询。然后配合单调栈逆序扫描 heights
数组,在处理到某个位置的时候,用二分法在栈中查找 heights[aᵢ]
时间复杂度 O(n + m * log n)
,空间复杂度 O(n + m)
实现的时候有个地方要注意,Python 自带的 bisect 库是对非降序排列的数组做二分搜索,但本题单调栈其实是降序排列的,相当于需要先把栈 reverse,然后用 bisect_right
查找,找完再 reverse 回去,如:
1 | stack.reverse() |
当然这样做没意义,因为 reverse 是 O(n)
时间。可以类似于用最小堆 + 负数模拟最大堆那样,用降序 + 负数来模拟升序的二分搜索,但是需要注意边界条件的差异。比如上边的代码,等价于下边,但下边的时间复杂度是 O(log n)
1 | idx = bisect_left(stack, -h, key=lambda k: -heights[k]) - 1 |
1 | from bisect import bisect_left |