You are given an 0-indexed integer array prices
where prices[i]
denotes the number of coins needed to purchase the (i + 1)ᵗʰ
The fruit market has the following reward for each fruit:
- If you purchase the
(i + 1)ᵗʰ
fruit atprices[i]
coins, you can get any number of the nexti
fruits for free.
Note that even if you can take fruit j
for free, you can still purchase it for prices[j - 1]
coins to receive its reward.
Return the minimum number of coins needed to acquire all the fruits.
Example 1:
prices = [3,1,2]
- Purchase the 1ˢᵗ fruit with
prices[0] = 3
coins, you are allowed to take the 2ⁿᵈ fruit for free.- Purchase the 2ⁿᵈ fruit with
prices[1] = 1
coin, you are allowed to take the 3ʳᵈ fruit for free.- Take the 3ʳᵈ fruit for free.
Note that even though you could take the 2ⁿᵈ fruit for free as a reward of buying 1ˢᵗ fruit, you purchase it to receive its reward, which is more optimal.
Example 2:
prices = [1,10,1,1]
- Purchase the 1ˢᵗ fruit with
prices[0] = 1
coin, you are allowed to take the 2ⁿᵈ fruit for free.- Take the 2ⁿᵈ fruit for free.
- Purchase the 3ʳᵈ fruit for
prices[2] = 1
coin, you are allowed to take the 4ᵗʰ fruit for free.- Take the 4ᵗʰ fruit for free.
Example 3:
prices = [26,18,6,12,49,7,45,45]
- Purchase the 1ˢᵗ fruit with
prices[0] = 26
coin, you are allowed to take the 2ⁿᵈ fruit for free.- Take the 2ⁿᵈ fruit for free.
- Purchase the 3ʳᵈ fruit for
prices[2] = 6
coin, you are allowed to take the 4ᵗʰ, 5ᵗʰ and 6ᵗʰ (the next three) fruits for free.- Take the 4ᵗʰ fruit for free.
- Take the 5ᵗʰ fruit for free.
- Purchase the 6ᵗʰ fruit with
prices[5] = 7
coin, you are allowed to take the 8ᵗʰ and 9ᵗʰ fruit for free.- Take the 7ᵗʰ fruit for free.
- Take the 8ᵗʰ fruit for free.
Note that even though you could take the 6ᵗʰ fruit for free as a reward of buying 3ʳᵈ fruit, you purchase it to receive its reward, which is more optimal.
1 <= prices.length <= 1000
1 <= prices[i] <= 10⁵
Test Cases
1 | class Solution: |
1 | import pytest |
定义 dp(i)
表示购买第 i + 1
个水果并获得后续所有水果所需的最少 coins。所求结果即为 dp(0)
因为购买了第 i + 1
个水果,可以免费获得第 i + 2
个到第 2i + 2
个水果(共 i + 1
个)。如果这 i + 1
个水果都直接免费获得,那么就必需买第 2i + 3
个水果,总花费为 prices[i] + dp(2i + 2)
。也可以选择购买这 i + 1
个水果中的某个(设为第 j + 1
个,其中 i + 1 ≤ j ≤ 2i + 1
),总花费为 prices[i] + dp(j)
当然如果第 i + 1
个水果后边的水果个数不超过 i + 1
个,显然就不用再买了,全部免费获得即可,总花费为 prices[i]
从 i 的最大值 n - 1
时间复杂度 O(n²)
,空间复杂度 O(n)
另外计算 dp(i)
的时候只需要 prices[i]
以及后边一些 dp 值,可以直接复用 prices 的空间,空间复杂度降为 O(1)
再另外当 2i + 2 ≥ n
时,dp(i) = prices[i]
,都不需要计算或处理,所以遍历的起点为 。
1 | class Solution: |
dp(i) = prices[i] + min{dp(i+1), dp(i+2), ..., dp(2i), dp(2i+1), dp(2i+2)}
dp(i-1) = prices[i-1] + min{dp(i), dp(i+1), dp(i+2), ..., dp(2i)}
其中 dp(i+1)
到 dp(2i)
从 i 过渡到 i - 1
的时候,找最小值的区间的右边减少了两个(2i + 2
和 2i + 1
考虑借助 1475. Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop 中提到的单调栈。
准备一个单调递增栈(栈里的数字是严格递增的),从右向左依次把每个 dp 值按单调栈的规则入栈,即如果比栈顶的值大则直接入栈,否则把所有小于等于它的值都弹出后再入栈。从 dp(2i+2)
到 dp(i+1)
都处理完,栈底就是这组数的最小值。利用此最小值计算出 dp(i)
后按同样的规则入栈,栈底是 dp(i)
到 dp(2i+2)
当需要计算 dp(i-1)
时,先从栈底开始检查其中数值的来源,如果 dp(2i+2)
或 dp(2i+1)
在栈里(如果在,这俩一定在最接近栈底的位置)则从栈底弹出(相当于队列,这是对一般单调栈的变体)。操作之后的新的栈底值就是 dp(i)
到 dp(2i)
的最小值(显然栈不会为空,因为如果 dp(i)
到 dp(2i)
中有比 dp(2i+2)
和 dp(2i+1)
更小的值,栈底就不会是 dp(2i+2)
或 dp(2i+1)
,也就不会有数据被弹出;反之 dp(i)
到 dp(2i)
的最小值比 dp(2i+2)
和 dp(2i+1)
大,此值一定会在栈里)。利用此最小值即可算出 dp(i-1)
当处理完 dp(0)
为了便于处理 2i + 2 ≥ n
时的 dp 值,可以在单调栈初始化的时候,直接放入一个 0,因为任何 dp 值都大于 0,这个 0 会一直待在栈底直到当 i 降到 时被弹出。
时间复杂度 O(n)
,空间复杂度 O(n)
1 | from collections import deque |