You are given an integer n
and a 2D integer array queries
There are n
cities numbered from 0
to n - 1
. Initially, there is a unidirectional road from city i
to city i + 1
for all 0 <= i < n - 1
queries[i] = [uᵢ, vᵢ]
represents the addition of a new unidirectional road from city uᵢ
to city vᵢ
. After each query, you need to find the length of the shortest path from city 0
to city n - 1
There are no two queries such that queries[i][0] < queries[j][0] < queries[i][1] < queries[j][1]
Return an array answer
where for each i
in the range [0, queries.length - 1]
, answer[i]
is the length of the shortest path from city 0
to city n - 1
after processing the first i + 1
Example 1:
n = 5, queries = [[2,4],[0,2],[0,4]]
Explanation:After the addition of the road from 2 to 4, the length of the shortest path from 0 to 4 is 3.
After the addition of the road from 0 to 2, the length of the shortest path from 0 to 4 is 2.
After the addition of the road from 0 to 4, the length of the shortest path from 0 to 4 is 1.
Example 2:
n = 4, queries = [[0,3],[0,2]]
Explanation:After the addition of the road from 0 to 3, the length of the shortest path from 0 to 3 is 1.
After the addition of the road from 0 to 2, the length of the shortest path remains 1.
3 <= n <= 10⁵
1 <= queries.length <= 10⁵
queries[i].length == 2
0 <= queries[i][0] < queries[i][1] < n
1 < queries[i][1] - queries[i][0]
- There are no repeated roads among the queries.
- There are no two queries such that
i != j
andqueries[i][0] < queries[j][0] < queries[i][1] < queries[j][1]
Test Cases
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1 | import pytest |
这是 3243. Shortest Distance After Road Addition Queries I 的进阶版,增加了限制条件,任意两条道路不会交叉。
因为道路不会交叉,设有一条道路 [u, v]
,那么城市 u
和 v
之间的城市(即 [u+1, u+2, ..., v-2, v-1]
)就都可以忽略掉(因为对于任何 u < i < v
,从城市 i
出发,不可能一步走到 v
之后)。所有的道路都加好之后,剩下的城市就是从 0
走到 n-1
记录从城市 i 出发,一步可以走到的最远的城市为 f[i]
。初始时 f[i] = i + 1
初始的时候,集合中有所有城市。增加一条道路 [u, v]
时,如果 u
已经不在集合中或者 v <= f[u]
,则这条道路对于缩短距离没有帮助,直接忽略。否则就把集合中所有 u < i < v
的城市 i
都删掉。删的时候不需要遍历 u
到 v
的所有值,因为现在集合中只有 f[u], f[f[u]], ..., f[...f[u]] < v
把 f[u]
从集合中删掉,并继续看 f[f[u]]
,直到走到 v
就停止,然后将 f[u]
的值更新为 v
附加的空间复杂度 O(n)
。时间复杂度 O(n + q)
,因为除了遍历所有 query 之外,相当于每个城市都加入再移出集合各一次。
写代码的时候不用真的创建一个包含所有城市的集合,再逐个去掉没用的。实际上当城市 i 从集合中删除后,f[i]
就没用了,可以给 f[i]
赋一个非法值(如 n
1 | class Solution: |